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Account Management/Technical Support and Billing Issues
Using your web based control panel ( enter /panel. before your domain name, example: http://panel.hehost.com ) you'll have access all of your web hosting services. From viewing your web site statistics, managing your email accounts, password protected directories, requesting technical support or ordering new services, HeHost.com puts you in full control of your web hosting services.

Regular Hosting account users will enjoy the ability to add/delete/modify email accounts, mail redirects, group lists, etc. using our web based interface system. No complicated Telnet commands to learn.

Resellers will enjoy a one-stop solution to managing their accounts. Quickly and easily modify email services, passwords and FrontPage server extensions. Additionally, with a click of one button, you may turn entire account services (domain resolving, email, etc.) ON or OFF (a handy tool for disabling any accounts which are past-due.

Do you have general questions about our services? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions page by clicking here.

Powerfull Hosting at HeHost.com, just $7.99 per Month.

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